What is PIM (Product Information Management)?

The success of a company depends essentially on how quickly it adapts to the new demands of its customers, distributors, and employees. However, this task is not easy given the many challenges that a structure must face. The management of the information produced is one of the most difficult tasks that a company must ensure. To enable reliable and flexible management, PIM is the best possible solution.

PIM: what is it really about?

PIM or product information management is a practical and efficient management tool. Its main utility is to facilitate the management of product datasheets. If a company has several suppliers, the PIM or production information management will allow it to retrieve on a single location the data concerning all the products it orders from these suppliers. The goal is to be able to manage all this information and to prevent orders from being confused. The PIM will therefore be useful for retrieving its various product catalogs and importing them automatically to another location, but also for distributing them in real-time to all its sales channels.

How PIM works

PIM or production information management is mainly designed to collect all kinds of information. These tools are programmed to import data correctly. These data are then saved in a single place to be able to list and sort them more easily. Thanks to such an archive, the company will then be able to save time in the processing of its product sheets but also to stand out from competitors thanks to more enriched, reliable, and complete sheets.

What are the functionalities of PIM?

Being above all a management tool, the PIM or product information management offers some essential functionalities. In particular, it allows you to quickly import raw data from Excel to other source applications. These features also allow to better organize the information produced by defining, for example, the structure of the company's product catalog. However, it is important to note that these functionalities may vary from one tool to another. The same applies to the tool's handling, power, efficiency, and flexibility. While some are more powerful and ergonomic, others require special skills and are only adapted to a third party, whether a legal entity or an individual. Before choosing such a tool, it is, therefore, necessary to determine the needs of the company beforehand and then find the one that can meet all of them.

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